Adaptation International has worked in over 20 states with municipal, county, and state governments on a variety of projects including climate resilience planning, climate-smart hazard mitigation planning, and more. Select projects are featured below. The global climate is changing, and the impacts of this change are felt acutely at the local level. It is here, with towns, cities, counties, and states around the country, that communities and their residents are dealing with increases in wildfire risk, extreme rainfall and associated flooding, shifts in vector borne diseases, prolonged periods of drought, and extreme heat. All of these extreme weather events affect local and regional transportation systems, evacuation and emergency response plans, and the health and vitality of our communities.
We work with different levels of government to help identify assets that are most vulnerable and work with decision makers and the broader communities to identify, prioritize, and select the most effective and valuable solutions to these climate problems.
select projects
Community Resilience Action Projects overlaid on factors contributing to community resilience as defined by the City Resilience Framework developed by the Rockefeller Foundation and Arup.
The North Olympic Peninsula Climate Preparedness project was a multi-organizational partnership that resulted in a variety of climate preparedness planning materials.
Corte Madera Climate Adaptation Assessment
Over the course of two and half years (2018-2020), Adaptation International partnered with Nelson/Nygaard Transportation and Blue Point Planning to support the Town of Corte Madera in their climate adaptation planning process. Community climate concerns include near- and long-term strategic decision-making regarding sea level rise and coastal flooding, wildfire, and drought. As a part of the process, the Town broughtt the community together consistently to take proactive steps that led to the development of a framework for adaptation that builds community resilience both now and for decades to come. This project is just getting started and you can read more about it on the Corte Madera Adapts Website.
NOAA Extreme Weather Thresholds
This NOAA SARP Funded project piloted a participatory process to identify locally relevant critical thresholds for extreme events, and use these thresholds to customize climate projections to community-specific needs. Identifying and better understanding critical thresholds for extreme events is key to developing effective community responses to climate change. We are grateful have had the opportunity to collaborate with an amazing team of project partners: SCIPP, CLIMAS, WWA, ISET-International and Atmos Research and four communities in the South Central U.S. Boulder, CO, Las Cruces, NM, Miami, OK and San Angelo, TX. Our team conducted 10 workshops to identify, refine, and discuss, extreme weather thresholds that matter to the communities. For more information, visit the project page here.
North Olympic Peninsula Climate Preparedness
The North Olympic Peninsula Resource Conservation and Development Council (NOPRCD), Adaptation International, and Washington Sea Grant worked very closely on a project to assess the climate related vulnerabilities and develop and adaptation plan for the North Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. The region's diverse landscape, which rises from the marine waters of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Puget Sound to the top of the Olympic Mountains, is a unique setting for an adaptation planning effort. This project involves extensive community engagement with more than 175 partners. The Project team conducted 7 workshops bringing together people from across the peninsula and developed state of the art probabilistic sea level rise and coastal flood risk projections for the region. For more information, see the Climate Preparedness Plan for the North Olympic Peninsula and the Climate Preparedness Brochure.